October 26, 2015 By Lynne Murray 3 min read

While you’re reading this, attackers are persistently working to breach your enterprise. They use increasingly sophisticated methods to find a way in, and most victims won’t discover the breach for months. Do you have the visibility to stop them? What about those already on the inside? As organizations embrace innovation, protecting against cyberattacks becomes more critical.

You need a different approach to stop advanced attacks and unknown threats from outside the organization and to deter risky behavior of insiders. Integrated capabilities, analytics and a big data approach to security can help you proactively protect your most critical assets. This is the focus of one security conference talk at IBM Insight 2015, “Stop Unknown Threats Before You’re Breached: Apply Analytics to the Challenge of Security,” but there’s a lot more happening at this Las Vegas gathering.

Insight 2015 brings together forward-thinking organizations that are strategizing their next steps to transform business insights, deliver better customer experiences and gain and capitalize on advanced technologies to stay ahead of the competition.

Top Five Data Security Questions Answered at Insight 2015

While many questions will be answered as part of the Insight 2015 conference, five of the top ones that will be answered include:

  1. What are the security challenges that are unique to your industry, and how are those challenges impacting your organization specifically?
  2. Are there recent or immediate changes you’ve been forced to respond to in order to keep your IT infrastructure and information safe from internal and external threats?
  3. What were the key drivers/objectives that led your organization to consider a data security solution?
  4. How has using IBM Security solutions transformed your organization, either in how IT delivers service and value to the business or in how the business has been more responsive as a result?
  5. What specific benefits — such as cost reduction, risk reduction and productivity increases — have been realized by organizations using security solutions?

Client- and Analyst-Led Data Security Sessions

Independent Research: Forrester Total Economic Impact of IBM Security Guardium

Monday, Oct. 26, 10:30 a.m., in Lagoon J

Join Jon Erickson, Forrester consultant and director, who will share the results the Total Economic Impact (TEI) study, which examines the potential return on investment (ROI) that organizations may realize by deploying IBM Security Guardium. The study uncovered results like cost reduction, risk reduction and productivity increases, as well as tactical efficiencies and strategic benefits stemming from implementations on a common platform.

Nationwide Case Study: Data Security and Security Intelligence Equals Better Results

Monday, Oct 26, 1:00 p.m., in Lagoon J

In this session, representatives from Nationwide share their views on data security, security intelligence and why these two capabilities should be used together for a more complete and robust data security system. They will also delve into the lessons learned and benefits gained from deploying IBM Security Guardium and IBM Security QRadar together.

Who’s in My Data? Securing User Access Rights With IBM Security Guardium

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 10:30 a.m., in Lagoon E

Learn how the Great American Insurance Group has used IBM Security Guardium to review and secure user access rights and to streamline and manage access reviews using the built-in workflow system.

The IBM Security Guardium Environment: Going Virtual in the 21st Century

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1:00 p.m., in Lagoon J

Join this session to learn how Athene USA deployed IBM Security Guardium virtually to capitalize on resources, improve performance and reduce data center costs. This session will provide details on how robust reporting and documentation can keep your organization in compliance with company policy and regulations. We’ll discuss the value of using Guardium professional services in your next security project or health check.

Yazaki Case Study: Real-Time Data Security With IBM Security Guardium for SAP Solutions

Tuesday, Oct. 27, 4:00 p.m., in Lagoon J

Today’s economy seeks a fast-performing environment for analytic and transactional workloads, all while being sensitive to database security. Join this session to learn how IBM Security Guardium enabled Yazaki Europe to build a real-time platform that deals with the security challenges of their SAP and non-SAP data environments.

How to Get the Most From IBM Security Guardium S-TAP Installation for DB2 z/OS

Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1:00 p.m., in Lagoon J

Learn AIG’s best practices for installing and tuning the IBM Security Guardium S-TAP for DB2 on z/OS in a data sharing environment. The presentation includes critical planning information and upgrade steps. There will also be an overview of the business value provided by security tools for providing granular auditing capabilities for security mandates and federal regulation.

See you at Insight 2015 Oct. 25–29 in Las Vegas! If you can’t make it, register for free, live streaming with Insight Go.

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