Data breaches are a risk that every business has to prepare for. To mitigate potential risks like the loss of sensitive information, financial impact and reputational damage, organizations need to take a proactive approach to protect their data and comply with industry regulations.

Are you using a data security and compliance solution?

Data security and compliance are essential pieces of a business strategy. Implementing a data security posture management solution, especially using a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, offers a comprehensive approach to securing and managing data in any environment. This protects sensitive data from unauthorized access.

Can you provide real-time visibility and control over access to your data?

Data security solutions can help organizations monitor data access, track user actions and quickly identify and respond to potential security threats. By helping to automate compliance with industry and governmental regulations, these solutions include built-in compliance checks.

They can be configured to align with specific regulatory frameworks like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard and the General Data Protection Regulation, reducing the risk of costly penalties for non-compliance.

Another advantage of using a SaaS-based data security and compliance tool is its cost-effectiveness. SaaS deployment eliminates the need for expensive infrastructure, specialized skills and ongoing maintenance costs in exchange for a subscription fee. These solutions are designed to be easy to implement, manage and use, making them accessible even for smaller organizations to enhance their security and compliance measures when they don’t know where to begin.

The benefits of SaaS-based data security posture management include real-time visibility and control over data access, automated compliance support for regulations and cost-effectiveness.

Make data security a priority

Organizations of all sizes must prioritize data security and compliance in today’s evolving digital landscape. Implementing robust data security and compliance software is critical to safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining compliance with regulations. To learn more about IBM Security’s data security SaaS offering, check out IBM Security Guardium Insights today.

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