May 3, 2016 By Christina Thompson 2 min read

Prioritizing Data Protection

IBM Security Guardium is designed to safeguard critical data wherever it resides.

Securing data requires a streamlined and thoughtful approach. In addition to providing deep data protection for data at rest or in motion — including encryption, masking and redaction — the solution also supports the following capabilities:

  • Entitlement reporting so you can create security policies based on the right entitlements;
  • Real-time data monitoring wherever data resides (e.g., files, databases, big data platforms, etc.);
  • Actionable advanced analytics and machine learning to highlight risky behavior, enabling policies to take real-time action (i.e., blocking access or quarantining users); and
  • Adaptability to seamlessly adjust to changes in the IT environment, such as changing data volumes, new users and new technologies, to keep costs low.

The bad guys continue to evolve and get smarter; therefore, Guardium continues to evolve, too. New to its v10.1 release is the ability to stop breaches before they take root.

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The Next Iteration of Guardium

Intelligent data forensics can provide visibility and insight into who is who and who is doing what with your data, helping you spot and stop potential breaches. IBM Security Guardium v10.1 offers several new features that support smarter analytics, new predictive insights and greater agility:

  • The Threat Diagnostic Center includes specialized threat detection analytics that scan and analyze audited data to detect symptoms. This may indicate a data repository attack is underway — from the inside or outside —by detecting SQL injections and malicious stored procedures. It does not rely on comparisons against a dictionary of attack signatures, which can change endlessly. Instead, it analyzes audit data activity for specific patterns of events or behavior. This approach is more flexible and does not require constant updating of signatures.
  • A Data Protection Dashboard allows you to see and track your data risk and compliance posture and assess risk from a central dashboard. This dashboard provides graphical and statistical views of enterprise behavior relating to sensitive information to help you manage the data security heartbeat of the business. From there, you can plan and take appropriate action.
  • Integration with IBM Privileged Identity Manager helps prevent threats from rogue shared IDs and other suspicious users. With this integration, and by closely monitoring behavior and establishing normal usage patterns from shared IDs, you are able to spot abnormal behavior and stop data loss before it happens.
  • An enhanced partnership with IBM QRadar provides 360-degree integration to detect and prioritize threats in real time, before they reach the data source. QRadar dramatically expands visibility into network and security device log sources, network flows, user identities and activity, asset configurations, external threats and more. Together, Guardium and QRadar automatically correlate events, detect anomalies and share that information, enabling a rapid response to a dramatically reduced and targeted list of high-priority security incidents.

Read more about best practices for stopping insider threats.

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