March 25, 2024 By < 1 min read

Lucas will test in stage

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Defense in depth: Layering your security coverage

2 min read - The more valuable a possession, the more steps you take to protect it. A home, for example, is protected by the lock systems on doors and windows, but the valuable or sensitive items that a criminal might steal are stored with even more security — in a locked filing cabinet or a safe. This provides layers of protection for the things you really don’t want a thief to get their hands on. You tailor each item’s protection accordingly, depending on…

The evolution of 20 years of cybersecurity awareness

3 min read - Since 2004, the White House and Congress have designated October National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. This year marks the 20th anniversary of this effort to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and online safety. How have cybersecurity and malware evolved over the last two decades? What types of threat management tools surfaced and when? The Cybersecurity Awareness Month themes over the years give us a clue. 2004 - 2009: Inaugural year and beyond This early period emphasized general cybersecurity hygiene,…

Why cybersecurity training isn’t working (and how to fix it)

3 min read - Early to a meeting, an employee decides to check direct messages on their favorite social network. Uh, oh. A message from the social network’s security team says their account has been hacked. They’ll need to click on the link to reset their password. You know the rest of the story. The link goes to a fake website from which a malicious payload is downloaded. Once running on the employee’s laptop, it creates havoc on the network. Despite regular cybersecurity awareness…

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