Risk is a factor at multiple organizational levels, from individuals to third parties and beyond. With so many new and changing risks coming into play, it is imperative to stay up to date and know how to protect your organization from such risks. Read the latest articles on security considerations around risk, including operational risk management, third-party risk and security awareness training.
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Moving beyond vulnerability scanning to strengthen your attack surface

5 min read - Staying one step ahead of potential breaches is a top priority for security teams within organizations of all sizes. Vulnerability scanning has long been a foundation of these efforts, allowing businesses to identify weaknesses in their security posture. However, as cyberattacks grow in sophistication and scale and with a large number of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) cataloged each year, it’s becoming increasingly clear that vulnerability scanning is not enough. What is vulnerability scanning? Vulnerability scanning is a high-level way…

What to know about new generative AI tools for criminals

3 min read - Large language model (LLM)-based generative AI chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT took the world by storm this year. ChatGPT became mainstream by making the power of artificial intelligence accessible to millions. The move inspired other companies (which had been working on comparable AI in labs for years) to introduce their own public LLM services, and thousands of tools based on these LLMs have emerged. Unfortunately, malicious hackers moved quickly to exploit these new AI resources, using ChatGPT itself to polish and…

The Growing Risks of Shadow IT and SaaS Sprawl

4 min read - In today's fast-paced digital landscape, there is no shortage of apps and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses across different industries. This incredible array of options has revolutionized how we work, providing cost-effective and user-friendly tools that streamline tasks and boost productivity. However, this ever-expanding application ecosystem comes with its challenges: namely, shadow IT and SaaS sprawl. According to a recent study by Entrust, 77% of IT professionals are concerned about shadow IT becoming a…

Are you ready to build your organization’s digital trust?

4 min read - As organizations continue their digital transformation journey, they need to be able to trust that their digital assets are secure. That’s not easy in today’s environment, as the numbers and sophistication of cyberattacks increase and organizations face challenges from remote work and insider behavior. Digital trust can make your organization’s digital transformation stronger. A lack of digital trust can do irreparable harm. However, according to ISACA’s State of Digital Trust 2023 report, too many organizations struggle to define and implement…

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