Healthcare data breaches are more expensive than those in any other sector, according to the 2021 Cost of a Data Breach Report from IBM. Read the latest articles on cybersecurity in healthcare, including those about protecting patients' personally identifiable information (PII), the medical internet of things (IoT) and more.
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Incident Response for Health Care IT: Differences and Drivers

4 min read - Threat actors continue to target the health care industry. IBM’s Threat Intelligence Index for 2022 rates the industry as the sixth most targeted. That puts it close behind the energy and retail and wholesale sectors. Certain regions seem to be more prone to attack as well. The Asia-Pacific region accounted for 39% of all health care-related attacks, while North America trailed next at 33%. Coming as no surprise, ransomware is the leading known method of attack, representing 38% of cases.Some…

Hospital Ransomware Attack: Here’s What a Cybersecurity Success Story Sounds Like 

3 min read - Major ransomware attacks are scary, but against hospitals, they are even worse. One notable attack in August 2021 forced Ohio’s Memorial Health System emergency room to shut down (patients were diverted to other hospitals). In all hospital attacks, the health, safety, privacy and lives of patients face risk. But this incident also shows that whether targets are hospitals or any other kind of organization, the time and money spent preventing attacks is almost always worth it.  But what do you do…

Understanding the Cyber Risk Exposures Within the Health Care Industry

4 min read - The health care industry is one of the most popular and lucrative targets for cyberattacks and malicious activity. Health care organizations always present as an attractive proposition to hackers as they possess high volumes of sensitive information about patients and rely on highly vulnerable medical devices.Advancements in medical procedures and the growth in digital innovation have led to an increase in the complexity of networks and security. Medical firms need to ensure they protect their data, employees and patients with…

Hospital Ransomware Attacks Go Beyond Health Care Data

4 min read - The health care industry has been on the front lines a lot lately. Along with helping control the effects of COVID-19, it has been a prime target for ransomware. In a 2021 survey conducted of 597 health delivery organizations (HDOs), 42% had faced two ransomware attacks in the past couple of years. Over a third (36%) attributed those ransomware incidents to a third party, such as what happened earlier this year with Kaseya. The effects go beyond stolen health care…

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