The public sector saw a 78.7% increase in data breach costs in 2021, second only to the media industry (92.1%), according to the 2021 Cost of a Data Breach Report. The average time to identify and contain breaches across the board was reported at 287 days. Read state and local government security news and research on threat prevention, detection and remediation in the public sector.
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The Pentagon’s 2023 cyber strategy: What you need to know

5 min read - In May 2023, the Department of Defense (DoD) released an unclassified fact sheet detailing its latest cyber strategy. This latest update is another indication of the Pentagon’s intent to combat threat actors, coming fast on the heels of the 2022 National Security Strategy and the 2022 National Defense Strategy. A more complete summary of the strategy will follow in a few months. For now, let’s unpack what we know so far about the Department of Defense’s 2023 cybersecurity strategy. Reinforcing…

ITG10 likely targeting South Korean entities of interest to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)

7 min read - In late April 2023, IBM Security X-Force uncovered documents that are most likely part of a phishing campaign mimicking credible senders, orchestrated by a group X-Force refers to as ITG10, and aimed at delivering RokRAT malware, similar to what has been observed by others. ITG10's tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) overlap with APT37 and ScarCruft. The initial delivery method is conducted via a LNK file, which drops two Windows shortcut files containing obfuscated PowerShell scripts in charge of downloading a…

Will commercial spyware survive Biden’s executive order?

4 min read - On March 27, 2023, reports surfaced that 50 U.S. government employees had been targeted by phone spyware overseas. On the day of that report, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to restrict federal agencies’ use of commercial spyware. The timing of the order was linked to this specific phone-targeting exploit. But spyware infiltration of government officials — and by government officials — has been a recurring problem globally. Commercial spyware has long been entwined with statecraft and spycraft, both…

The Biden administration’s 2023 cybersecurity strategy

4 min read - The Biden Administration recently introduced a new national cybersecurity strategy, expected to aggressively address an increasingly complex and dangerous threat landscape. Improving cybersecurity may not be the top priority for the Biden Administration, but it is an issue that the White House has been focused on since the earliest days of President Biden’s tenure. For example, in May 2021, Biden issued an executive order that emphasized sharing information about threats and modernizing cybersecurity across the federal government. In 2022, President…

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