Data protection has always been an important factor in the digital world. But it is becoming increasingly more important as we rely on devices and the internet more heavily and frequently in our daily lives. From complying with regulations, such as the CCPA and GDPR, to protecting assets through encryption and more, read the latest articles concerning data protection and privacy here.
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10 years in review: Cost of a Data Breach

4 min read - Today, the pace of world change astounds us, and cybersecurity reflects that, unlike any other industry. The data from the last decade tells us an amazing — and sometimes troubling — story. In 2014, the average cost of a data breach was $3.5 million. Today, the average cost of a data breach has surged nearly 30% to $4.45 million per breach. Meanwhile, companies in the U.S. spend an average of $9.48 million per breach, according to the latest report. As…

Data never dies: The immortal battle of data privacy

4 min read - More than two hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin said there is nothing certain but death and taxes. If Franklin were alive today, he would add one more certainty to his list: your digital profile. Between the data compiled and stored by employers, private businesses, government agencies and social media sites, the personal information of nearly every single individual is anywhere and everywhere. When someone dies, that data becomes the responsibility of the estate; but what happens to the privacy rights…

Vulnerability resolution enhanced by integrations

2 min read - Why speed is of the essence in today's cybersecurity landscape? How are you quickly achieving vulnerability resolution? Identifying vulnerabilities should be part of the daily process within an organization. It's an important piece of maintaining an organization’s security posture. However, the complicated nature of modern technologies — and the pace of change — often make vulnerability management a challenging task. In the past, many organizations had to support manual integration work to get different security systems to ‘talk’ to each…

Cost of a data breach 2023: Geographical breakdowns

4 min read - Data breaches can occur anywhere in the world, but they are historically more common in specific countries. Typically, countries with high internet usage and digital services are more prone to data breaches. To that end, IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023 looked at 553 organizations of various sizes across 16 countries and geographic regions, and 17 industries. In the report, the top five costs of a data breach by country or region (measured in USD millions) for 2023…

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