Digital transformation and the need to support remote workers means more organizations are migrating to the cloud. How do you ensure security is a priority? How can you extend that security to workers' locations outside of the office? Read cloud security articles on cloud data protection, containers security, securing hybrid, multicloud environments and more.
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Lessons learned from the Microsoft Cloud breach

3 min read - In early July, the news broke that threat actors in China used a Microsoft security flaw to execute highly targeted and sophisticated espionage against dozens of entities. Victims included the U.S. Commerce Secretary, several U.S. State Department officials and other organizations not yet publicly named. Officials and researchers alike are concerned that Microsoft products were again used to pull off an intelligence coup, such as during the SolarWinds incident. In the wake of the breach, the Department of Homeland Security…

What you need to know about protecting your data across the hybrid cloud

6 min read - The adoption of hybrid cloud environments driving business operations has become an ever-increasing trend for organizations. The hybrid cloud combines the best of both worlds, offering the flexibility of public cloud services and the security of private on-premises infrastructure. We also see an explosion of SaaS platforms and applications, such as Salesforce or Slack, where users input data, send and download files and access data stored with cloud providers. However, with this fusion of cloud resources, the risk of data…

Cloud security in the era of artificial intelligence

3 min read - AI and machine learning (ML) have revolutionized cloud computing, enhancing efficiency, scalability and performance. They contribute to improved operations through predictive analytics, anomaly detection and automation. However, the growing ubiquity and accessibility of AI also expose cloud computing to a broader range of security risks. Broader access to AI tools has increased the threat of adversarial attacks leveraging AI. Knowledgeable adversaries can exploit ML models through evasion, poisoning or model inversion attacks to generate misleading or incorrect information. With AI…

Cloud workload protection platforms: An essential shield

2 min read - Businesses of all sizes increasingly rely on cloud computing to power their operations. This shift has brought with it a new set of security challenges. To protect their workloads in the cloud, many of these businesses are deploying a critical tool for cloud security: cloud workload protection platforms (CWPPs). What are cloud workload protection platforms? CWPPs are comprehensive security solutions designed specifically for cloud-based environments. They provide advanced protection and threat detection capabilities to safeguard cloud workloads and guarantee the…

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