Data breaches in the financial sector are the second most expensive after those in healthcare, according to the 2021 Cost of a Data Breach Report. Protect customers and the enterprise from banking fraud with the latest articles about security in the finance sector, including mobile app safety, banking trojans and incident response.
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The rise of malicious Chrome extensions targeting Latin America

9 min read - This post was made possible through the research contributions provided by Amir Gendler and Michael  Gal. In its latest research, IBM Security Lab has observed a noticeable increase in campaigns related to malicious Chrome extensions, targeting  Latin America with a focus on financial institutions, booking sites, and instant messaging. This trend is particularly concerning considering Chrome is one of the most widely used web browsers globally, with a market share of over 80% using the Chromium engine. As such, malicious…

BlotchyQuasar: X-Force Hive0129 targeting financial institutions in LATAM with a custom banking trojan

16 min read - In late April through May 2023, IBM Security X-Force found several phishing emails leading to packed executable files delivering malware we have named BlotchyQuasar, likely developed by a group X-Force tracks as Hive0129. BlotchyQuasar is hardcoded to collect credentials from multiple Latin American-based banking applications and websites used within public and private environments. Similar operations conducted in late 2022 have also been noted delivering an earlier variant of this modified QuasarRAT by likely Spanish-speaking actors. BlotchyQuasar, which X-Force describes as…

How fraudsters redefine mobile banking account takeovers

3 min read - Fraudsters are constantly finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in the banking system, and one of the latest tactics involves stealing credit card information via mobile banking apps. This type of attack has been seen in different variations in Spain and North America and was reported for the first time at the beginning of 2023. As fraudsters use stolen credentials to commit e-commerce fraud, here's what banks and customers must keep in mind to stay safe. The modus operandi Step 1:…

How the ZeuS Trojan info stealer changed cybersecurity

4 min read - Information stealer malware is a type of malicious software designed to collect sensitive information from a victim’s computer. Also known as info stealers, data stealers or data-stealing malware, this software is true to its name: after infecting a computer or device, it’s highly adept at exfiltrating login credentials, financial information and personal data. Info stealers typically operate by monitoring keyboard input, capturing screenshots and intercepting network traffic. They may also search a hard drive for specific types of data. The…

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