August 17, 2016 By Nick Oropall 2 min read

“Internal auditors are being asked by audit committees and senior managers to step outside their comfort zones. How are you addressing the fast-paced changes in technology, information security, risk management, governance and compliance?”

The lines above serve as MISTI’s introduction to the SuperStrategies conference, but they’re also an introduction to the direction of IT audit and information security. Once upon a time, these two areas were separate islands. That is no longer the case.

What Is Identity Governance?

Identity governance helps to answer the questions:

  • How can we verify who has access to what?
  • How can we understand if this is access that they actually need?

But there’s more to identity governance and intelligence. It has become a security control, a safeguard against insider threats and a means of effective communications between the business, IT and audit.

Worlds Colliding: Identity Governance and IT Security

It is critical to select the right identity governance and intelligence solution. It can help to identify who has access to what and whether they should have that access. Analytics can help optimize roles and user access while simultaneously helping to prioritize high risk access or users.

Gone are the days when identity and access management could be separate from IT security. The two are intertwined, and that makes communication critical. Identity governance and intelligence needs to be the solution that fosters communication between the audit and IT teams, as well as the solution that enables business managers to make the right access decisions.

Discover More at SuperStrategies 2016

The 2016 SuperStrategies agenda is designed to help internal audit executives better understand the challenges they are facing every day. Featured keynotes include Thierry Dessange, the VP of Technology Audit at Visa., and Robert King, CVP and chief audit executive at FedEx.

If you are interested in hearing more about how identity governance and intelligence brings security and compliance together, please come to MISTI SuperStrategies, which is taking place Sept. 27 to 29 in Las Vegas. Be sure to stop by IBM’s booth. We look forward to seeing you there!

For additional information on this topic, check out the on-demand webinar “How Identity Governance Can Help Protect Your Organization,” presented in July by MISTI and IBM.

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