December 5, 2012 By Amit Klein < 1 min read

The year 2012 was characterized by the increasing sophistication of malware’s ability to evade detection and the beginning of financial fraud platforms like Zeus, SpyEye and others crossing over to attack enterprise endpoints. We expect criminals to continue to innovate in 2013 and step up their attacks against enterprises.

IBM’s security research group identified what it believes will be the top five most dangerous trends in malware in 2013. Our findings, which include Google attacks, native 64-bit Windows malware and increasingly advanced evasion techniques, are summarized in the infographic below.



Malware is currently foremost among the dangerous trends defining cyber criminals’ ability to compromise enterprise networks and financial institutions’ customer accounts. Unfortunately, we see strong indications that cyber criminals are investing considerable development resources to make malware even more sophisticated and evasive. IBM urges all enterprise security professionals to learn all they can about current and developing malware threats and take appropriate defensive actions commensurate with their anticipated risk. As the leading provider of endpoint security solutions, IBM will continue to alert the industry to newly discovered threats, their anticipated impacts and emerging dangerous trends.

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